Google Ads Metrics to Track

MetricDescriptionFormulaHow to Improve
Conversion RatePercentage of ad clicks that result in a conversion. Measures how well your ad persuades users to take action.Conversions÷AdClicksConversions ÷ Ad ClicksConversions÷AdClicks × 100Optimize ad copy, improve landing page user experience, and target the right audience.
Quality Score (QS)A Google rating of the quality and relevance of your keywords and ads. Influences cost and ad positioning.Factors: CTR, ad relevance, landing page qualityImprove CTR, ad relevance, and landing page experience to boost QS.
Cost Per Click (CPC)The average cost paid per click on an ad. Measures cost-effectiveness in driving traffic.TotalAdCost÷TotalClicksTotal Ad Cost ÷ Total ClicksTotalAdCost÷TotalClicksOptimize Quality Score, refine targeting, and use negative keywords to reduce irrelevant clicks.
Click-Through Rate (CTR)Percentage of clicks relative to impressions. Measures how well your ad captures the audience’s interest.Clicks÷ImpressionsClicks ÷ ImpressionsClicks÷Impressions × 100Improve ad copy, use effective keywords, and target the right audience.
Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)Average cost paid for each conversion. Measures the cost-efficiency of customer acquisition.TotalAdCost÷ConversionsTotal Ad Cost ÷ ConversionsTotalAdCost÷ConversionsEnhance conversion rates and optimize ad targeting to reduce CPA.
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)Measures the revenue generated per dollar spent on ads. Shows ad profitability.RevenuefromAds÷AdCostRevenue from Ads ÷ Ad CostRevenuefromAds÷AdCostRefine targeting, use high-converting keywords, and optimize ad extensions to increase ROAS.

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